Lil’ Easy
Austin’s favorite margarita spot gets a rowdy Cajun cousin.
One Fall, after the big box store moved in and business slowed to a crawl, Broussard’s Auto Repair took to boiling crawfish and serving boudin on the weekends, for customers and friends. Might as well get some use out of the empy bays, Landry said, and tucked a 60-quart aluminum boiler in among the dusty boxes of plugs and belts. Word spread around town, and more and more folks began stopping in for paper boats of Cajun-fried goodness.
Landry Broussard soon scaled down to one service bay for vehicles, dragged picnic tables into the other, and expanded lunch service to weekdays. A refurbished daiquiri machine appeared at some point, and greasy wrenches were replaced with rolls of silverware. A TV balanced on Abita crates glowed during Saints games. It all fit effortlessly into the modest cement block building. The two-post truck lift gave out just before college football playoffs, marking a natural transition to full-time food service. Seems the building knew what it was destined to be.
Landry never intended to run a bar and grill, but the town adopted the shop as such and never stopped showing up. Today you’ll find folks there seven days a week, eating, partying, and cheering on Saints games as beers crack open, crawfish spill across newspapered tables, and the occasional zydeco band plays. It’s a perpetual tailgate party, and everybody’s invited. Welcome to Lil’ Easy. Never fancy, but always fun.